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Print by Franz Gabriel Fiesinger: Buonaparte [Napoleon Bonaparte], represented by Childs Gallery

Franz Gabriel Fiesinger

German (1723-1807)

Buonaparte [Napoleon Bonaparte], 1798
Engraving and stipple engraving

Signed in plate. A fine chine appliqué impression in fine condition with full margins. After a drawing by Jean Urbain Guerin (1760-1836). Inscribed and signed: “Dessiné par J. Guerin. Gravé par G. Fiesinger. / Buonaparte. / Déposé á la Bibliothèque Nationale, le 29 Vendémiaire l’An 7 de la République Française / á Paris chez l’Auteur, Quai Voltaire, No. 13 et chez Jaufret Palais Egalité, No. 61..” Deposited at the Bibliothèque Nationale on the 29 Vendémaire of the 7th year of the Republic (September 7, 1798 of our Gregorian calendar).

This print was made the year following the Treaty of Campo Formio ending the war with Austria and after Napoleon’s triumphant return to Paris.

Signature: signed in plate
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