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Mixed Media By Joan Hall: Invasion Of Hull Cove The Venice Project At Childs Gallery

Joan Hall


Invasion of Hull Cove – The Venice Project, 2019
Pulp painting and photographic printing on handmade paper

Number 3 in an edition of 12. Titled, numbered, signed, and dated verso: “Invasion of Hull Cove – The Venice Project, 3/12, Joan Hall 2019”. Published by Dieu Donne, New York. A fine impression in fine condition. This edition was produced in conjunction with the Installation to be installed in “Personal Structures”, a satellite show curated by the Global Arts Affair, a Dutch Foundation during the Venice Biennale. The work is made of abaca and flax fibers at Dieu Donne. A sheet of dark brown was made, followed by translucent white linen sheet with water marks. Photographic images printed on washi paper of the invasive algae that is used to create wallpaper in the edition were laid into the wet pulp. A sheet of blue was made and then rolled by hand on the screen with pulp painting of a different shade of blue with abaca fibers. A sheet of white linen was made and rolled by hand and couched on the piece.

Signature: verso
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