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Painting by R.H. Ives Gammell: Panel 13, often referred to as a "Puppy Panel", represented by Childs Gallery

R.H. Ives Gammell

American (1893-1981)

Fragments of an Uncompleted Cycle, Panel 17
Oil on panel

Gammell Trust #T137. After completing his major allegorical sequence, the Hound of Heaven, in 1956, Gammell felt compelled to revisit certain themes and figurative compositions in later years. His original plan was to display the smaller panels, or “Puppy Panels” as he affectionely called them. between the larger Hound panels. This was the 17th piece in what he called Fragments of an Uncompleted Cycle. It speaks to the finality of death and the futility of earthly power.

Published: Ackerman, G. and Hunter, E.I. 2001. Transcending Vision: R.H. Ives Gammell 1893-1981, Maryhill Museum of Art [Exhibition catalogue]. R.H. Ives Gammell Studio Trust. (pl. 55)