Signed lower right: “Paul Endres Jr.”.
From the Tales of the American Burden, Y-8 Post Burden (P.B.).
Number 2 in C.W. Boyle’s Burden chronology guide: “After the Fall of Fort Wixon, the Civil War between the New Whigs and the rebel U.A.L. army shifted to the streets of Boston. Battered from the war, Bostonians had become unruly at Mission Hill, leading predictably to the Beheading of David Ocampo. While the head of Ocampo was initially lost in the shuffle, it soon became clear that whoever could recover the head could wield immense power.
It was the long forgotten Ishmaelian Society, created for the sole purpose of defying Ocampo, which was ultimately able to smuggle his head from Boston streets. The silver platter and dome that originally had contained Ocampo’s head was empty when presented to Whig leaders. The Ishmaelian Society had stored the relic in a simple cooler, a discrete way of briefly smuggling the head from Boston. Rebel and Whig alike searched frantically for the relic, but as they soon discovered, it would not be recovered so easily.
In this image, P.J. Endres Jr. paints the Ishmaelian Society steadfast in their beliefs and fully dedicated to their cause, just moments before the barrage of rebel General D.G. Armstrong.”