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Drawing by Alexandre Desgoffe: Vue d'italie, available at Childs Gallery, BostonQuick View
Vue d'italie
Print by Frank Brangwyn: Procession, Genoa, available at Childs Gallery, BostonQuick View
Procession, Genoa
Watercolor by Anthony Thieme: [Mediterranean Villa], available at Childs Gallery, BostonQuick View
[Mediterranean Villa]
Drawing by After Giovanni di Benedetto Bandini, called Giovanni dell'Opera: Nude Male Figure Stepping on Platform, Seen from Behind, available at Childs Gallery, BostonQuick View
Nude Male Figure Stepping
Print by Marcantonio Raimondi: Apollo and the Muses on Parnassus [after Raphael], available at Childs Gallery, BostonQuick View
Apollo and the Muses
Print By Giovanni Battista Piranesi: View Of The Arches Of The Consuls Dolabella And Silanus Enclosed Within The Neronian Arches Of The Acqua Claudia, From The Series Roman Antiques (le Antichita Romane) At Childs GalleryQuick View
View of the Arches
Print By Giovanni Battista Piranesi: View Of The Ruins Of The House Of Niccolo Di Rienzo Constructed From Fragments Of Ancient Buildings, From The Series Roman Antiques (le Antichita Romane) At Childs GalleryQuick View
View of the Ruins
Sculpture By Italian School: Model Of Scipio's Tomb At Childs GalleryQuick View
Model of Scipio's Tomb
Model of Trajan's Column
Model of the Vendome Column
Black Figure Lekythos
Black Figure Oinochoe
Drawing By British School: View Of Rome: Tomb Of Eurysaces The Baker At Childs GalleryQuick View
View of Rome: Tomb
Model of the Temple of Vesta
Model of the Facade
Model of the Facade
Sculpture By Italian School: Temple Of Vesta Inkwell At Childs GalleryQuick View
Temple of Vesta Inkwell
Sculpture By Italian School: Black Figure Hydra At Childs GalleryQuick View
Black Figure Hydra
Incense Burner
Oil Lamp
Print By Adamo Scultori: Male Nude(s) Seated On Pedastal(s), Figure(s) Flanking "the Creation Of Eve;" No. 16 Of The Series, [after Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475 1564)] At Childs GalleryQuick View
Male Nude(s) Seated on
Print By After Marcantonio Raimondi, Italian (1480 1534): Poetry Personified As A Winged Woman [after Raphael Sanzio (1483 1520)] At Childs GalleryQuick View
Poetry Personified as a
Print By Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Vue Des 18 Colonnes De Côté Dessinées Du Côté Opposé à Celles Qui Sont Indiquées (view Of Eighteen Columns Of The Side Façade Of The Temple) At Childs GalleryQuick View
Vue des 18 Colonnes
Print By Giovanni Battista Scultori: David Cutting Off The Head Of Goliath (after Giulio Romano) At Childs GalleryQuick View
David Cutting Off the
Print By Giovanni Andrea Podesta: Bacchus Meeting Ariadne On Naxos [after Titian, Italian (1488 1576) For Alfonso, The First Duke Of Ferrara] At Childs GalleryQuick View
Bacchus Meeting Ariadne on
Print by Master of the Die: Three Putti Playing with an Ostrich,  from a set of four tap, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Three Putti Playing with
Print by Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Veduta del Castello dell' Acqua Felice, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Veduta del Castello dell' Acqua Felice
Print by Marcantonio Raimondi (Workshop of): Apollo on Parnassus [after engraving by Marcantonio Raimondi (1480 1534) after Raphael Sanzio (1483 1520)], available at Childs Gallery, BostonQuick View
Apollo on Parnassus [after
Print by Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Veduta del Tempio di Ercole nella Città di Cora... (View of , represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Veduta del Tempio di
Drawing by Stephen Rowland Pierce: Valle Giulia, Rome [Italy], represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Valle Giulia, Rome [Italy]
Print by Ernest D. Roth: Sospel, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Print by Master of the Die: Two Putti Striking Another Who Is Squeezing a Child,  from a, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Two Putti Striking Another
Print by Paul Lameyer: Florence [Italy], represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Florence [Italy]
Print by Muirhead Bone: Evening, Port of Genoa [Italy], represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Evening, Port of Genoa [Italy]
Print by Pietro Cardelli: S. A. I. Il Principe Eugenio Napoleone [Prince Eugene de Bea, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
S. A. I. Il
Print by F. Bellemo: Napoleone Il Grande, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Napoleone Il Grande
Print by Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Veduta degli avanzi del Tablino della Casa Aurea di Nerone, , represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Veduta degli avanzi del
Print by Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Veduta del Sepolcro di Pisone Liciniano [...] Sepolcro della, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Veduta del Sepolcro di
Print by Antonio Tempesta: Return from the Hunt, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Return from the Hunt
Print by Antonio Tempesta: Gazelle Hunt, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Gazelle Hunt
Print by Antonio Tempesta: Bird Hunt with Falcon, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Bird Hunt with Falcon
Print by Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Disegno di una Quarta Parte di una Volta[...]nella Villa Adr, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Disegno di una Quarta
Painting by Enrico Meneghelli: Italian Peasants in a Village Landscape, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Italian Peasants in a Village Landscape
Watercolor by Edward Laning: Taormina [Sicily, Italy], represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Taormina [Sicily, Italy]
Drawing by Pietro Gabrini: [Standing Male Nude], represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
[Standing Male Nude]
Print by Marco Dente da Ravenna: Juno, Ceres, and Psyche [after Raphael Sanzio, Italian (1483, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Juno, Ceres, and Psyche
Painting by Arthur B. Davies: Italian Landscape, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Italian Landscape
Print by Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Bassorilievo Scolpito in un Vaso di Marmo Esistente nel Pala, represented by Childs GalleryQuick View
Bassorilievo Scolpito in un
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