With the artist’s initials: “DVT”. In 1945 Talcott submitted a proposal to the city of Hartford, CT for a memorial fountain depicting the founding of the city in 1636. His proposal included a scale model of the fountain, and Boatmen is a bronze casting of one of the scale model’s figural groups. According to Talcott, the fountain depicted “the major activities of the early colonists, such as… fishing, or landing supplies from the river.” The artist reportedly worked on his design for nearly twenty years. However, despite his best efforts, the project was never realized.
Published: The Hartford Daily Courant, May 12, 1945 (illustrated); The Hartford Times, May 12, 1945 (illustrated); Fountain Proposal, 1945 (illustrated).
Measures 7 1/2 x 11 x 6 1/4 inches.